[Websites, HeadlessCMS]

24 Mar 2023


3 min read time

Top Tips for a Seamless Content Migration to Storyblok

Switching from a traditional content management system (CMS) like WordPress to a powerful, flexible, and user-friendly platform like Storyblok can be challenging, but the benefits are undeniable. At Makers' Den, we're committed to helping our clients make a smooth transition from WordPress to Storyblok. In this article, we'll share our top tips for a seamless content migration process, ensuring that you can take full advantage of this innovative headless CMS.


By Mateusz Koncikowski


Evaluate Your Current Content and Structure

Before migrating to Storyblok, take the time to assess your existing content and website structure. This is an excellent opportunity to identify outdated or irrelevant content and make necessary updates. Ensure that you have a clear understanding of your website's information architecture and how it translates to the modular approach in Storyblok.

Plan Your Migration Process

Create a detailed plan for your migration, outlining the steps involved and assigning responsibilities to your team members. Be sure to include contingencies for potential issues and allocate enough time for each phase of the process. This plan will serve as your roadmap, helping you stay organized and on track throughout the migration.

Leverage Storyblok's API and Tools

Storyblok provides a robust API and a range of tools to facilitate content migration. Familiarize yourself with the API documentation and utilize the available import/export tools to efficiently transfer your content from your old CMS to Storyblok. The API allows you to automate content migration, saving time and minimizing manual work.

Set Up Your Components and Content Types

In Storyblok, content is managed using a flexible component system, allowing for easy customization and reusability. Determine which components and content types are necessary for your website, and set them up in Storyblok before importing your content. This will ensure a consistent structure and enable you to take advantage of Storyblok's modular approach to content management.

Test Your Content Import and Display

Before fully migrating, perform a test import with a small subset of your content. This will help you identify any issues with the import process or content display and make any necessary adjustments. Verify that your content is displaying correctly in both the Storyblok editor and on your website, and ensure that all internal links, images, and media files are working as expected.

Schedule Your Migration During a Low-Traffic Period

To minimize potential disruptions to your website visitors, schedule your content migration during a time when your website experiences lower traffic levels. This could be during weekends, evenings, or other periods when user activity is typically low. Communicate the migration schedule to your team and stakeholders to ensure everyone is aware of the plan.

Monitor and Optimize Post-Migration

After your content migration is complete, monitor your website for any issues or inconsistencies. Address any concerns and optimize your content within the Storyblok platform. Gather feedback from your team and users to ensure the new CMS meets their needs and expectations.


Content migration to Storyblok can be a smooth and efficient process with proper planning and preparation. By following Makers' Den's top tips, you'll be well on your way to experiencing the full benefits of Storyblok's powerful and flexible content management system. If you need assistance with your migration or have questions about Storyblok, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at Makers' Den.


By Mateusz Koncikowski

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