[Case Study]

20 Jan 2023


1 min read time

Telescope: Frontend Team Power-Up

Automated prospecting start-up Telescope helps sales people find relevant leads, craft personalized email sequences, and manage messaging via your personal email account. A major pain point for those doing outbound sales, and Makers' Den was happy to help make it reality.



Automated prospecting start-up Telescope helps sales people find relevant leads, craft personalized email sequences, and manage messaging via your personal email account. A major pain point for those doing outbound sales, and Makers' Den was happy to help make it reality by amending their frontend team with more than a decade of expertise.


Olivier Ramier



Makers’ Den pitched in to help out with our frontend so we could reach pivotal milestones before deadlines. It blew us away how little onboarding they needed and were able to contribute to customer-facing features from the get-go.

How we worked together

For us this was a relatively short engagement, just shy of a month. Telescope needed to achieve certain technical milestones before Christmas, so they could onboard their first customers in January.

We jumped in beginning of December, and were creating pull requests from day 1. After we finished all the open issues, and we had plenty of time left from the initial commitment, we suggested the highest leverage items to work on - things which will set them up for success for iterating the product further as customer feedback comes in.

Since this was more of a team amendment case, we adapted to the customers’ processes, which means joining their engineering team, their stand-ups, planning sessions, etc.

The Frontend Tech

Our role was purely frontend in this project, so we're limiting the tech listing here, however, Telescope has a wider array of tech for the full stack:

  • Typescript - We do all our projects with Typescript. It is our bread & butter.

  • ReactJS - We are exclusively working with React for frontends.

  • ChakraUI - React component library based on Emotion. Very productive and easily styled to fit custom themes.

  • NodeJS - Not the main Backend tech, but there was a small Backend-for-frontend based on NodeJS.

  • GraphQL - The APIs were auto-generated GraphQL courtesy of the chosen db & backend tech. In the frontend this meant using Apollo.

The results

The Telescope team had been grinding without any time off since summer. After our engagement, the Telescope team was able to have Christmas vacations, confident that the feature set would be compelling for their first customers in January.

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